Most adults spend anywhere between a third and a quarter of their lives at work. The work environment and the people we share it with become critical parts of most of our lives.
Our teams share in triumphs and successes, we look out for each other and play off each other's strengths. We also tend to take each other for granted. There are some very simple ways to appreciate the people we experience so much with, most of which cost absolutely nothing.
1. Say ‘thank you’
It’s the simplest way to express your gratitude and it’ll soon become a habit. Thank everyone - seniors, teammates, security and cafeteria personnel, office chauffeurs. Thank people indiscriminately and look at them when you do it. If you can’t express it in person, leaving thank you notes or dropping them a mail or text is just as heart-warming an option. It’s about the sentiment coming across.

2. Appreciate people
Appreciate people for who they are. Not the work they do. Not to initiate a conversation about what they can do better. Just appreciate them because there’s something worthy of note in every single person. And it’s also a great way to identify the strengths of your colleagues.
3. Respect their time
Call when you say you will. If you must cancel or postpone calls or meetings, leave enough of a window between the commitment and your cancellation. Show up to meetings prepared. Gratitude alone means little when it isn’t backed by respect.
4. Display your belief in them
Recognize the effort people put in when faced with delay or failure - things going wrong doesn’t mean your team and you didn’t do your best. Besides, it’s even more important to do something nice for people when there’s bad news and they’re feeling low.
5. Do something kind for them
Check in on them when they’re sick. Cover for them when you can see they need a break. Celebrate successes and milestones of every magnitude with little gifts. Maybe a candle or two, maybe a gift box to pamper them with. Maybe a bouquet and some cake sent home.
At Melted, we believe in spreading love and kindness. Small acts of gratitude go a long way in spreading positivity and warmth. From an organizational perspective, encouraging displays of gratitude creates a holistic work environment where teams are held together with mutual respect. Job satisfaction is higher, retaining employees becomes easier and stronger bonds between employee and organization makes for better quality work: when every individual feels cared for, they care more for the organization and its goals.

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