Sana Bhatia comes with an educational background that is rich and diverse, spanning business management and digital marketing to social responsibility.
As a child and especially as she was growing up, Sana would often purchase and repurchase scented candles and soaps to destress. It was her aromatherapy, even before the term began trending.
Before Melted was born, she spent a considerable amount of time learning about better alternatives such as soy and beeswax for candles and how paraben-free soaps can be made. She began to source the raw material from sustainable businesses and farms, and come up with gifts for those dear to her. With time came the confidence and the inclination to introduce more people to natural ingredients and fragrances, all packaged as gifts of understated luxury.
She believes buying a gift is usually a tedious process and you would have often seen friends and family barely put any thought into it. That’s what Melted aims to change, one gift at a time.
Sana feels it is absolutely crucial to give customers the chance to invest their ideas and time in every purchase. She works closely with each customer to understand where they are coming from and curates each gift with love and a lot of thought.