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Gourmet Olive Oil

Where Luxury Meets Scent


Aromatic Saffron

In the air, saffron sings its sweet song, captivating hearts with its heavenly scent.Let saffron's scent transport you to distant lands, where spice bazaars enchant the senses.


Kashmiri kahwa

Inhale the essence of Kashmiri kahwa, a fragrant journey through mist-covered mountains.The aromatic embrace of Kashmiri kahwa scent, reminiscent of dawn's first light over Dal Lake.


Green Tea

Refreshing as a mountain breeze, the scent of green tea invigorates.a journey to lush, sun-kissed tea gardens.a gentle reminder to slow down and savor the moment.

With every Melted product you choose, you are also making a cool choice for the earth. 

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